Special Tea for Chai Masala Spice Blend by Maître Tseng

Special Tea for Chai Masala Spice Blend by Maître Tseng
Ingredients: Black tea
Rare black tea leaves with soft notes of fruit and honey.
€14.00 70 g


Preparation advice from Madame Tseng with her special tea:
Bring 1g Chai Masala Spice Blend to a boil in 1 cup (25 cl.) water or milk. Remove from the heat, then add 3g. tea. Infuse 4 minutes, then strain and enjoy.

Count 1 g. Chai Masala Spice Blend plus 3 g. Special Tea leaves for 1 cup (25 cl) water or milk. 203˚F/95˚ C. Infuse 4 minutes.
  • Allergens Absent, except for cross-contamination.
    May contain traces of sesame, celery, mustard, soy.
  • Origin China, Province of Guangdong
  • Storage / Use In a cool, dark, dry place.
€200 / kg

The words of Mathilde Rœllinger

When I asked Tea Master Tseng to select a tea that would go well with the Chai Masala Spice Blend I developed with my friend Beena Paradin Migotto, I wasn’t sure she would agree to pair one of her signature teas with our fragrant composition for a spice tea—despite her avowed passion for them.

I was mistaken. A few months after my request, Tea Master Tseng invited me to taste an exclusive, rare, small batch Chinese tea she had developed especially for our Chai Masala. 

The tasting experience was nothing short of extraordinary. One whiff of the fragrant aromas that rose out of the cup and I was transported back to when, at 18 years old, on my very first trip in India, I tasted my very first chai. 

When infused with the Chai Masala Blend by Beena, this rare tea enhances the delicate essence of the blend’s spice bouquet. 


"I have always believed in the noble cause of carrying on a family tradition. It is an honor to collaborate with Mathilde and continue the work I began years ago with Olivier Roellinger, which celebrates the shared universe of tea and spices.” 

Yu Hui Tseng

Madame Tseng is one of the foremost tea experts in the world. A descendant of Chinese nobility, she began studying the art of tea when she was a young girl. At her tea plantations in Taiwan, she oversees both the harvesting and processing of tea leaves.

In the mid-1990’s, she opened La Maison des Trois Thés—the largest tea cellar in the world—in the heart of Paris.

Madame Tseng and Olivier Roellinger have collaborated to create three unique spice blends with exceptional teas from Madame Tseng’s collection: Vasco, Shadows and Light, and Flower of Beauty.